Fans Toys Iron Dibots FT-07 Stomp Holiday Special
Here are the rules for the sale:
- Sale items CANNOT be lumped together with any preorders.
- Sale items must be paid for at the time of order. You cannot pre-order sale items.
- Box condition is NOT guaranteed on any sale items. They come as is.
- Limit of one item per customer / account / address / ip-address and so forth.
- If you choose local pick, please wait for the email indicating your order is ready before coming to the store to pick up.
- Sale Prices are for a limited time and limited quantity while supplies last, and no adjustments will be made for prior purchases.
Fans Toys FT-07 Stomp is getting a reissue! Stomp is an awesome robot which converts from a Brontosaurus to a robot and back. FT-07 Stomp comes with weapons and accessories.