Transformers Missing Link C-08 Arcee (Toon Ver.)


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Estimated Release - October 2025

Lost to history, and revised to match the classic cartoons! Based on a lost prototype toy, Hasbro and Takara-Tomy bring G1 styling and modern articulation in this plastic and die-cast metal action figure. Painted in cartoon pink and white, Arcee includes a blaster and instructions in a retro-inspired 1980s box, which should fit in well with any vintage toys you may have. She even includes foil stickers just like your other 1980s Transformers, plus the famous rubsign to reveal her alliance to the Autobots or Decepticons! (She's an Autobot.) Get the Arcee you didn't have as a kid - but should have - with this awesome release. (Additional figures are shown for scale and are sold separately.)