Transformers Generations Selects - God Neptune (Set of 5)


NOTE: This will be shipped in the factory shipper.

A new Takara Tomy Mall Exclusive joins the collection: Transformers Generations Selects Figure, God Neptune! Featuring a great King Poseidon/Piranacon as the famous Beast Wars II gestalt who is made up by Halfshell, Coelagon, Sea Phantom, Terrormander, and last but not least, Scylla, which is not just a Tentakil re-deco but a re-mold to match her animation model as a fembot. Note: Lobclaw/Nautilator is not present, as he was not part of the Seacons in the original Beast Wars II cartoon. This set is a special Beast Wars II deco of the Combiner Wars molds Seacons that were released in Japan and the USA via the Generations Selects sub-line.